Fact Checking My Opponent

Article I, section 24 of the Florida Constitution clearly states that “a public office is a public trust.”

In 2020, Osceola voters had enough of the previous Clerk Armando Ramirez’s administration and elected Kelvin Soto, Esq. to serve as Osceola’s Clerk of the Circuit Court & County Comptroller.  Jennifer Soto, Ramirez’s chief deputy clerk and his son’s fiance, has attempted to paint her campaign as one full of promise and inspiration for the community.  An independent investigation into her actions while employed by Ramirez are illuminating.

In 2024, voters must choose between going back to the unprofessionalism and corruption led in large part by Jennifer Soto, or continue with their trusted choice, Attorney Kelvin Soto, Esq.


Red box with white writing indicating Jennifer's claim

Skillfully managed annual budget cuts, minimizing workforce reductions and staff furloughs while maintaining operational efficiency. 

Proactively addressed and resolved substantial financial oversights, recovering over 1 million dollars in misappropriated funds from a previous administration.

Implemented rigorous financial controls to prevent future financial discrepancies, ensuring the responsible use of taxpayer dollars.

Jennifer Soto for Clerk

Green rectangle with white writing indicating The Truth
[Jennifer] Soto…appointed several under-qualified friends to top positions and advocated for the hiring of her cousin as special projects manager at a higher salary than what was advertised, despite him having ‘no specific skills or experience related to special projects or event planning[,]'”

A few of the hires also involved friends of [Jennifer] Soto’s who went to the same gym as her.

Jennifer Soto was also found to have interfered in attempts to discipline her sister [who was hired despite not disclosing her family relationship] for performance issues, including allowing her to be demoted without a reduction in pay.

Orlando Sentinel, Outside review found pattern of misconduct at Osceola clerk’s office, August 5, 2020



Red box with white writing indicating Jennifer's claim

Demonstrated impeccable financial responsibility, ensuring no mismanagement or misappropriation of Clerk funds.

Jennifer Soto for Clerk

Green rectangle with white writing indicating The Truth

Jennifer has stated…that (1) she will use her relationship with John [Ramirez] to make sure that [Clerk Armando Ramirez] does as she instructs in all matters, and, (2) since she takes care of [the Clerk’s ill wife] and pays all of John’s bills with her Clerk’s salary, the entire family relies on her…creating a “mob-family environment of bullying, intimidation, and fear.”

Osceola News-Gazette, Clerk’s Office accused of nepotism, employee issues, August 4, 2020

Brown Law & Consulting, Investigation Report, May 21, 2020


Red box with white writing indicating Jennifer's claim

Pioneered a leave donation program, enabling employees to support their colleagues facing health challenges by donating PTO time, showcasing a compassionate approach to employee support.

Jennifer Soto for Clerk

Green rectangle with white writing indicating The Truth

Jennifer allowed friends and family members unlimited days off without the proper documentation, without needing to use paid leave, and through the improper use of an employee leave time donation program.

While Jennifer may have subjectively believed that her work interactions were severable from her off-duty interactions, the investigation found that Jennifer interjected her personal life and needs and the interests of her family and friends when seeking leave donations[.]

Brown Law & Consulting, Investigation Report, May 21, 2020



Red box with white writing indicating Jennifer's claim

Formed a dedicated special projects team to facilitate the smooth implementation of new and state-mandated training for all employees, ensuring that the organization stayed current and compliant.

Jennifer Soto for Clerk

Green rectangle with white writing indicating The Truth

Jennifer advocated for the hiring of [her cousin] Rafael for [the Special Projects Manager] position at a higher salary. Rafael’s personnel file reflected no specific skills or experience related to special projects or event planning. The investigation also substantiated that the Clerk had discomfort at hiring Rafael as a manager and ultimately only permitted him to be hired as a Special Projects Coordinator, the same position as [Jennifer’s sister] Carmen[.]

Brown Law & Consulting, Investigation Report, May 21, 2020

In The Headlines

Clerk’s Office accused of nepotism, employee issues

Osceola News Gazette, August 4, 2020

Soto’s performance at her post and her alleged questionable hirings caused Ramirez to express “concerns or regret over having employed Jennifer[.]

Deputy Clerk Jennifer Soto…was suspended for three weeks, placed on probation and forced to forfeit vacation time.

The [Brown Report] outlines multiple instances of misconduct by Deputy Clerk Jennifer Soto, who is engaged to Ramirez’s son, John. Those substantiated instances include being paid by the Clerk’s Office while working at John Isla Insurance, a business Soto holds a financial interest in.

Additionally, [Jennifer] Soto was found to have left work during normal business hours to workout at a crossfit gym she has an investment in and encouraged multiple other employees to leave work to workout with her.

The [Brown Report] found rampant issues with absenteeism, tardiness, productivity and accountability for employees with a personal relationship with Soto who would regularly not be in the office while being paid.

Jennifer [Soto] appointed a number of individuals who were members of her gymnasium into the highest paid entry level position (Criminal Cashiers) without the Clerk’s acknowledgment…[taking] the department past its capacity while other areas, such as the Clerk’s departments for both civil and criminal courts, were grossly understaffed.

Jennifer had her assistants…perform tasks of a personal nature for her that were outside the scope of their jobs (i.e., shopping, picking up her child, making family medical appointments, grocery shopping, and the like). The investigation also substantiated that this had sometimes occurred while these employees were on the Clerk’s time and were paid by the Clerk’s office.

Jennifer used her badge at the [courthouse] six times [during November 2019’s] eighteen workdays…Of the twenty workdays in December 2019, Jennifer used her badge for access six times[, despite] Jennifer’s leave records show[ing] no leave having been taken for any of the [other workdays].

Corruption probe becomes issue in Osceola Clerk of Court race

Florida Politics, August 6, 2020

The allegations ranged from staff conducting political campaign business on the job, a pattern of hirings, promotions, and other human resources moves benefitting family and friends of top administrators, including Ramirez, and office behavior that included the use of coarse racial and homophobic slurs by top administrators. The 47-page report only came to light publicly this past week.

Pattern of misconduct at Osceola clerk’s office, report finds

Orlando Sentinel, August 5, 2020

A report produced in May by an outside firm found a litany of inappropriate practices in the Osceola Clerk of Court’s office, including questionable hirings of friends and relatives of high-ranking officials as well as abuse of work hours and time off.

[Jennifer] Soto also appointed several under-qualified friends to top positions and advocated for the hiring of her cousin as special projects manager at a higher salary than what was advertised, despite him having “no specific skills or experience related to special projects or event planning,” the probe found.

Jennifer Soto was also found to have interfered in attempts to discipline her sister for performance issues, including allowing her to be demoted without a reduction in pay, the report said.

Other allegations of misused time include shopping sprees during work hours and using staff to perform tasks outside the scope of their job, like grocery shopping or picking up [Jennifer] Soto’s child.

Just months into his first term, he announced  [Jennifer] Soto as his chief deputy clerk despite her having only an associate degree in paralegal studies and a handful of years’ experience working at a law firm.

Another Ugly Headline? Time for Osceola Clerk Ramirez to Go | Commentary

Orlando Sentinel, August 12, 2020

The report said the abundance of employee complaints “suggested a pervasive pattern of inappropriate activity.”

Osceola clerk accused of promising jobs to donors cleared of charges

Spectrum News 13, February 7, 2014

Osceola Clerk Armando Ramirez faces whistle-blower lawsuit

Orlando Sentinel, August 6, 2021

The former staff lawyer for Osceola County Clerk of Court Armando Ramirez filed a lawsuit this week accusing the clerk of routinely destroying public records, misusing public funds, falsifying payroll and improperly hiring relatives.

Chief Deputy Clerk Jennifer Soto is accused in the lawsuit of destroying records of a friend, Steve Massiah, who was hired in October as head of the clerk’s information technology department despite a history of arrests.

“Jennifer immediately informed the Clerk and Alvarez that Massiah had multiple criminal convictions on his criminal history background check,” the lawsuit states. “Jennifer stated that she would dispose of Massiah’s personnel file and background check and hire Massiah as an independent contractor.”

After Soto’s sister, Antoinette Mendez, was hired last year, Ramirez asked Alvarez to research if her employment violated state nepotism law. Citing the clerk’s office policy and state law, Alvarez wrote in the lawsuit that he advised it’s against state law for the clerk, directors, administrators and department heads to hire relatives.

“The clerk stated that he and Jennifer could decide whom to hire and fire,” the lawsuit states.

Alvarez also claims senior employees paid themselves for time they did not work, including two-hour lunches, leaving early and claiming to work from home.

Osceola County courthouse dress code stirs up controversy

WESH 2 News, February 1, 2013

Within weeks of taking over at the courthouse, Ramirez made headlines by hiring his son’s girlfriend [Jennifer Soto] at a salary of $56,000 and then giving his wife, who he said is a volunteer, a temporary security pass to get into the courthouse.


Osceola clerk defends $20,000 raise to top aide who lives with son

Orlando Sentinel, August 6, 2021

KISSIMMEE – Osceola Clerk of Courts Armando Ramirez is defending a 20 percent raise he recently awarded his son’s girlfriend for her work as chief deputy clerk.

Jennifer Soto’s $10-an-hour raise bumped her annual salary from $95,000 to about $115,000.

Except for a small group of administrators, the rest of the staff received 2 percent raises while new hires and temporary workers received no increase.

Ramirez’s salary of $133,000 as an elected constitutional officer is set by the state based on Osceola County’s population.


Osceola Clerk of Court Armando Ramirez won’t face criminal charges following FDLE investigation

WESH2 News, February 7, 2014

The investigation found that allegations that Ramirez’ Chief of Staff Jennifer Soto requested an employee to delete an email chain in order to prevent it from being a public document did not result in the destruction of a public record. Ashton said had the destruction taken place, then that could constitute as criminal. The investigation also found that Ramirez supported the employee who refused to delete the chain.